Saturday, March 9, 2013


Long time, no blog! It's been a while since I've been on here, so I'm going to try and update you on what has been going on. Jenny and I have been busy hanging out with the girls and getting to know them more and more. I'm amazed at how we're able to be such good friends with them despite the language and cultural barriers and the limited time we've had, but God is good and we have really established a friendship with all of them!

As we've mentioned before, the girls have been having several tests in each subject during the past few weeks. They will actually have more and more through April, so be praying for them! The 10th and 12th graders need your prayers especially, because their grades determine if they will be able to go on to higher studies and get good jobs!

About a week ago, I was feeling pretty depressed about this trip. I felt like I wasn't able to love and serve everyone here very well, and I was feeling pretty much without purpose and wondering why I had come here in the first place. The sisters have things running pretty smoothly, and are usually able to accomplish everything without our help. Jenny and I would offer to help out more with washing dishes, preparing meals, and general chores, and they would decline and send us back to the front porch to relax. Honestly, it was a little bit frustrating because I came here to serve and they didn't want me to. A few days ago I was having a devotional time and reading in the book of Romans. A phrase from Romans 13:8 caught my eye. It said "the one who loves another has fulfilled." It goes on after that, but the Lord highlighted that part to me, and I felt him telling me that this was my theme verse for this trip. If I love another, even if it's just one single person, then I will have fulfilled my purpose for coming here. Wow! This was so so encouraging for me! Since that day I have been keeping this verse in mind and really listening to the Lord about how I can love on the people around me, and he has been so faithful to show me ways to bless them. I am amazed at the difference in my attitude and heart and how it has changed so much this past week. I have felt so encouraged and empowered because of this verse, and I know that the Lord is going to sustain me and guide me to love more during the rest of this trip. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us! So many people have sent me encouraging messages and emails and they have been such a blessing to me :)

Today is day sixty out of the ninety days we will be here! I can't believe it has passed so quickly! Pray that Jenny and I would draw our strength from the Lord and be able to finish this adventure well :)

1 comment:

  1. What a joy to hear so clearly. You were fulfilling your purpose all along, and doing it so well too! I have a feeling that you both can not even begin to imagine the blessing you have been to the girls and the sisters too. You are amazing servants because sevanthood is a heart issue far more than anything to do with what happens in the physical. Your hearts are so sweet and so pure. Thanks for letting me live and serve vicariously through you! :) Love to you both!
