Sunday, February 17, 2013


In the state in which we are staying here in India, it hardly ever rains. Apparently, it only rains about 3 times a year! The other day, we were sitting on the porch. It had been cloudy for the past couple days. The clouds were grey and it felt like it was going to rain: breezy, humid, cool. You could almost feel nature around you, holding it's breath, begging for the clouds to release water. The sisters were talking about how it rarely rains where we are, and one of them said, "Please Lord! Let it rain!" Allie and I agreed enthusiastically. Then she said, "When I ask of the Lord, He never disappoints me. Please Lord! Let it rain!" And I thought to myself, "Oh that's nice, that she has so much faith in the Lord. It's probably not going to rain today though. Too bad, because I don't want her to be disappointed... Maybe it will rain tomorrow." Literally 3 seconds later, it starts raining. I almost started crying. We were all overjoyed and laughing. We were so happy and blessed that it was raining! The Lord answered our prayer! It was an amazing experience! But it really made me think of how little faith I have in the Lord. I know that I can trust Him and that everything will be ok in the end. But when I ask Him to answer prayers, I rarely expect Him to answer them because of all the times that my prayers haven't been answered. Or at least not the way I wanted them to be answered. I never even realized how little faith I have in Him answering prayers until today. And it really blessed and encouraged me to see someone whose faith is so strong in the Lord, and when she prays, her prayer is answered. And it wasn't even a long prayer! Five words long! But her faith was the size of a mustard seed. It amazed me. And I want that for myself. Don't get my wrong, I've had plenty of prayers answered. But many of them I still pray and ask the Lord about. I don't know how one even gets more faith in the Lord. But I know I want faith like that. I would really appreciate prayer! Thank you so much! This trip has been incredible, and I have learned so much so far. And it's not even half over! :) Praise the Lord :)

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